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Low Energy Design M&E with Part L2A Compliance For Large Warehouse

Appointed by J Chandler, the Greengauge team worked with Milton Architects and Campbell Reith to deliver a warehouse extension. The project consists of a 1000m2 extension of the company’s existing facility in Andover.

Through our expertise in M&E and formulating a Part L2A compliance strategy, we designed the appropriate heating and ventilation strategy for both the warehouse and the amenity spaces up to tender stage. This strategy achieved Part L2A 2013 compliance without requiring any further renewable technologies.

Due to grid restrictions and upgrade works planned by SSE and the falling FIT available, inclusion of photovoltaics was ruled out as a viable compliance route.

Low energy design of the building fabric along with and efficient LED lighting, the warehouse utilises underfloor heating and an Air Source Heat Pump system. This predominantly radiant system, integrated within the structural slab, provides a cost-effective solution and a comfortable working environment.

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