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Thermal Comfort in a Multi-Use Venue

The Quaker Meeting House in Oxford is a busy community hub used seven days a week by a wide range of groups and organisations. The Meeting House is Grade 2 listed.

Greengauge are working with Millar Howard Architects to develop the Garden Room project. This involves the replacement of the existing conservatory to the rear with a new meeting space. The key aim is to provide an improved space which can be used for a multitude of events and by a number of groups. The relationship of the Garden Room to the garden and the existing building is very important.

The team at Greengauge are currently focusing on how we can maintain the feeling of openness to the garden whilst ensuring that the internal comfort of the space throughout the seasons is not compromised. A fundamental principle we always try to work to is to keep solutions physics-based and simple. With buildings of this nature, which will be used by many groups, members of the public and volunteers, the control of the internal environment must be intuitive and easy to use.

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